First of all this , I'mma not gonna talk about hair for today , but I'mma gonna share with you guys about of what is the current highlight related to fashion. I don't know if most of you have heard of read this thing before or even check it out for a second. My bestfriend shared this link with me the other day and I quite amused by what this girl is trying to do. Check this out !
The Uniform Project
What is all about?!
The Uniform Project is also a year-long fundraiser for the Akanksha Foundation, a grassroots movement that is revolutionizing education in India. At the end of the year, all contributions will go toward Akanksha’s School Project to fund uniforms and other educational expenses for children living in Indian slums.
The idea of The Uniform Project is, “There are 7 identical dresses, one for each day of the week. Every day this girl will reinvent the dress with layers, accessories and all kinds of accouterments, the majority of which will be vintage, hand-made, or hand-me-down goodies.”
I'm really impressed and amused of what this girl is trying to do. How about that, helping kids and trying out new style with just one dress?! Wow! Now , that is something new. Check out her website/blog for more her details and look how much she has collected for the past 126 days! Niceee~
Xx Dramatic Dos.
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Black is the new Green!
Black Shine
For hair so shiny, black and beautiful.
Hair Problem: Black hair that is dull and dry from sun damage.
Key Ingredients: Deep sea black seaweed energizers.
How It Works: Provides a UV shield to nourish and protect hair from harmful rays while boosting black hair’s natural beauty with deep sea black seaweed energizers.
Results: The shiny, healthy black hair you always wanted.